21.04.2022, 22:11
The Centre for South-East European Studies is looking for a
Project assistant without doctorate (m/f/d)
30 hours a week Fixed-term for 8 months
position to be filled as of 03.10.2022
Application deadline: 18.05.2022
21.04.2022, 22:04
The Centre for South-East European Studies is looking for a
Project assistant without doctorate (m/f/d)
30 hours a week Fixed-term for 15 months
position to be filled as of 03.10.2022
Project Assistant without doctorate for the Fellowship project “Women’s and gender history in Southeast Europe in the 20th Century”
21.04.2022, 21:54
Universitiy of Graz:
40 hours per week; selection procedure in accordance with Section 98 of the Universities Act (UG); permanent employment according to the Austrian Law on Salaried Employment (AngG); expected starting date October 1st 2023
Application deadline: May 18th 2022
23.03.2022, 11:23
Do you want to understand the interrelationship between history, law, politics, economics and culture of South-Eastern Europe?
Students are not only provided with specialized and professional education and training, but special attention is paid to a mobility semester abroad, which contributes to further specialization and deepening of intercultural understanding alike.
The programme offers two focus areas, one in Southeast European History and one in Law and Politics in Southeastern Europe.
02.03.2022, 16:31
Am Institut für donauschwäbische Geschichte und Landeskunde in Tübingen (IdGL), einer dem Geschäftsbereich des Ministeriums des Inneren, für Digitalisierung und Kommunen Baden-Württemberg zugeordneten Dienststelle, ist zum 01.06.2022 eine unbefristete Vollzeitstelle einer/eines Wissenschaftlichen Angestellten (m/w/d) zu besetzen.
Das IdGL ist ein international anerkanntes, mit der Universität Tübingen eng verbundenes Institut im Bereich der deutschen Südosteuropaforschung.
Seinem Leitbild entsprechend – Migrations, Minorities, Memories – nimmt es Aufgaben in Forschung und Lehre, der Dokumentation und Wissensvermittlung wahr.
Für die Leitung eines Forschungsbereichs mit dem Schwerpunkt…